onsdag den 21. januar 2015

En tale - skrevet af en knægt fra MI

En knægt som snart var klar til High School skrev denne tale om børnemishandling. I klassen kunne de vælge hvilket som helst emne de ville - over halvdelen valgte at skrive en tale om børnemishandling. 

Med tilladelse fra drengen selv, kan I her læse hans tale (ikke redigeret)

One hit

Child abuse is like a caged lion. As it sits and stares, you realise the deadly beast could break open the door leap for his strike - yet all you do is sit there and stare back. It's  hard living life when you have a monster eyeballing you and knowing curiosity shall soon ignite the light of temptation and make you open the door... Don't let out the beast!

Many parents like to call it disciplining your child. Well, when go on the road to discipline how far will you have to go?

On average one child is killed every 5 weeks from child abuse. That's one child, one pair of eyes and ears, one mouth, one nose, one soul to love, to keep and cherish. It may not seem much until you notice the word used in the sentence was: child. And every 5 weeks may not sound like much until you realise the unforgiving truth that 5 weeks are just one week over a month and there are 12 months in one year, which means in 5 years, 10 children could've died.

10 children, 5 years

In 5 years that one child could've made it to school, in 5 years that kid you knew could've learnt how to walk the walk, how to talk the talk. But in 5 years we could lose 10, 10 pair of eyes and ears, 10 mouths, 10 noses, 10 souls to love, keep and cherish. The funny thing is and ironiclly it isn't even funny, is that 90% of all child deaths are from someone they knew and most of them are men.

You'll probably have heard this a million times already, but I will keep saying it until it's stuck in your head like chewing gum to the ground: Abuse can not only scar someone physically but can also emotionally wound someone to the point where they could part illegal drug dealing or maybe even cause them to later on in their life abuse their own and continue the legacy that began with their parents because, believe it or not, 30% of abused and neglected children will abuse their own. How do you feel now knowing that this will go in a constant circle, knowing that parents all over the world will continue brutally and intentionally hitting their own children?

I'm not saying you shouldn't give them a little tap or growl every now and then to get them to listen. I'm saying you should be careful because push comes to shove and you end up 77 years old lying in a hospital bed staring outside the window, your time has come. Your child walks into the room and you look into his eyes and realise that your child is still that naughty little kid, that all those hidings were for nothing and it leaves you with a stomach full og regret, regretting the fact that you hit him so hard, for no reason at all, the fact that you would even think to swing your fist at him but still lay there squeezing each other's hands, gazing out the horizon waiting for you to take one last breath, waiting for your heart to beat one last time, as the sun sets... Boom! And we lose one more pair of eyes and ears, one mouth, one nose, one soul that was loved, that was kept, that was cherished.

One - it only takes "one" hit to change someone's life.

Year 8 boy - Manurewa Intermediate School